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McCook Community College On Demand Game Archive

Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/28/25

40 Centura,Centurians Mascot CenturaCenturians
32 St Paul,Wildcats  Mascot St PaulWildcats
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/28/25

Southwest Conference Tournament at Broken Bow

44 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
36 Broken Bow,Indians  Mascot Broken BowIndians
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/28/25

Southwest Conference Tournament at McCook

69 Gothenburg,Swedes Mascot GothenburgSwedes
68 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/28/25

RPAC Tournament Consolation in Bartley

51 Southern Valley,Eagles  Mascot Southern ValleyEagles
49 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Mon, 01/27/25

RPAC Tournament Consolation in Bartley

37 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
24 Medicine Valley,Raiders Mascot Medicine ValleyRaiders
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Sat, 01/25/25

RPAC Tournament in Bertrand

69 Southwest,Roughriders Mascot SouthwestRoughriders
65 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Sat, 01/25/25

51 Adams Central,Patriots Mascot Adams CentralPatriots
42 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Sat, 01/25/25

46 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
36 Adams Central,Patriots Mascot Adams CentralPatriots
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Fri, 01/24/25

78 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
44 North Platte High School,Bulldogs Mascot North Platte High SchoolBulldogs
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Fri, 01/24/25

47 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
43 Seward High School,Bluejays Mascot Seward High SchoolBluejays