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Cambridge On Demand Game Archive

Volleyball volleyball icon

Tue, 09/27/22

Cambridge Triangular

3 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
0 Cozad,Haymakers Mascot CozadHaymakers
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Softball softball icon

Tue, 09/27/22

11 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders
2 Lincoln High High School,Links Mascot Lincoln High High SchoolLinks
Audio Archive:   
Softball softball icon

Mon, 09/26/22

Aurora Triangular

8 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
2 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Audio Archive:   
Softball softball icon

Mon, 09/26/22

Aurora Triangular

9 Hastings High School,Tigers  Mascot Hastings High SchoolTigers
8 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

28 Scottsbluff High School,Bearcats Mascot Scottsbluff High SchoolBearcats
21 Grand Island Northwest,Vikings Mascot Grand Island NorthwestVikings
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

78 Hitchcock County,Falcons Mascot Hitchcock CountyFalcons
8 Bertrand,Vikings Mascot BertrandVikings
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

26 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
24 Arapahoe,Warriors Mascot ArapahoeWarriors
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

38 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders
14 Fremont High School,Tigers Mascot Fremont High SchoolTigers
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

41 Hastings St. Cecilia,Bluehawks  Mascot Hastings St. CeciliaBluehawks
0 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Audio Archive:   
Football football icon

Fri, 09/23/22

38 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
13 Sidney High School,Red Raiders Mascot Sidney High SchoolRed Raiders
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